
Friday, February 6, 2015

Love For My Children - A Letter to Ginny, Miles, and Mason

Dear Ginny, Miles, and Mason, As of lately, life is hard for our little family. I graduated college in December and we moved in with your Grandma and Grandpa a year ago. I was able to stay home with you Ginny and Miles for a time and we had so much fun. Then I started working, sometimes I feel like it's because I started working that our relationship has changed. I feel like you two are getting short changed and I know Mason will be when I go back to work after he is born. My sweet children, know that I love you with all my heart.
Ginny, my sparkling little girl who loves the color purple and loves pokemon. You are such an amazing little girl. When you were born I felt like this was what I was meant to do was to be a mom. I feel like our time was always short as I was in college for most of your young life. Then I gave you your brother. It was amazing to see you become the best big sister. I know at times it's hard being older and feeling short change on the time that I have with you. Know that I love you and I am trying to give you the time. I just wish that your brother was not hurting you as much as he is and taking your time away from spending with Mommy and Daddy. You are an amazing little girl. I can't believe you will turn four in April and will have another little brother shortly after.
Miles, when you were born I was so excited. Especially since you were my first to actually breastfeed. I knew I was giving you the best from the right start. It amazes me how much different you are from your sister. Though those smiles are amazing. Lately though I feel like I get frustrated so quickly with you because of your many meltdowns. I am sorry for that, it just pains me to see you hurt others and even yourself through it. I love you so much, no matter if you have a developmental delay or even autism. Just know that we will figure this out together.
My surprise child Mason, actually, I am rooting for the name Mason but who knows what we will name you when the time comes. You were a major surprise, but I know there has to be a reason why you are coming to our family at this time. I love you, even though I don't often talk to you as you are in my stomach, it's taking me awhile to get used to the fact that there will be three of you in June. Just know that I love you and can't wait to see how you fit into our family. I love each and every one of you. Love Mommy.

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