
Thursday, December 5, 2013


Hey, Is it wrong that I forgot to take pictures over Thanksgiving break. So, my mom came down on Tuesday of Thanksgiving break. It was a lot of fun to have her there to spend time and to just relax with the family. We were able to just spend time with each other. Miles, of course in all his cuteness was not feeling so hot. Actually, he had a fever most of break and we come to find out on Thanksgiving that he broke a tooth through. My little guy is getting big and is breaking teeth through his gums. So one down and seven more to break through. I have come to find out that he is not an easy teether like his sister. Anyways, it was nice and relaxing to just spend time with the family. Of course the first of December, we started a new tradition in my own little family. We got our own Elf on the Shelf. Ginny, promptly gave it a name of, "Princess Girl." More on the Elf later though. -Kendra

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