
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

This Past Week

Hey, I didn't take any pictures this week. Opps. Anyways, this last week we didn't do much. On Wednesday, I went to a breastfeeding group and found out that Miles is now 10lbs. He's growing so quickly and thriving on breast milk. I am glad that I am able to experience it this time around. My goal is to make it to six months. But we shall see with me going to student teaching this fall. Anyways, on Thursday, my mom came down to spend the weekend with us. We took her to the concert at the park. I then had the pleasure to spend the weekend with her and the kids. It was nice to be able to spend some good quality alone time with Ginny as my mom took care of Miles. Though, Ginny has been in a mood lately. We believe it's teething as she complaining her mouth hurts. On Saturday we went to the Farmer's market and bought some potatoes. We also went shopping, I am trying lactation cookies to increase my supply so that I can pump to get a good amount in storage for the fall. I also got new pants which are two inches smaller. Woot. Hoping that the weight keeps coming off. Miles is crying, Kendra

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