So I thought as I remember it I would write Mile's birth story especially since he is almost six weeks old.
It all started on September 1st, 2012. I was joking with Stephen that I should get a pregnancy test for the fun of it to take on my birthday. I had no symptoms what so ever and not even the most common symptom that I could be expecting. He asked me why would I want to get a pregnancy test thinking I might have a clue. I told him the reason was if by chance I was pregnant, a big chance, then I could always tell people that I found out on my birthday. Well, in the end the joke was on me. Stephen did by the pregnancy test, but I forgot to take it on my birthday. I actually, took it on the 11th of September just to see. Come to my surprise at 5:30am in the morning when the second line appeared in the box. I just stood there with a blank look in the bathroom just staring at it. Then I started to chuckle as the joke was in deed on me. I went in to the bedroom and shook Stephen awake. I said, "well, don't be mad..." He looked at me and I explained that we would be having a little one join our family in May.
We decided to wait to tell family until we know for sure that I was expecting. The following weekend, my mom came down to visit. I made a sweet video of pictures and music. The pictures were of Stephen and I and some of our marriage. Then it went into some of Ginny growing up. Then at last it said at the end, "The family of three is about to become a....family of four." My mom looked at me with wide eyes. Soon, everyone knew that we were expecting our soon to be bundle of joy.
It was a easy pregnancy at the beginning. I knew though that it was different. I was more sick to my stomach then I was with Ginny. Often, I ended up near the toilet at the end of the night. I also could not eat any corn dogs without being sick to my stomach. I had a feeling this little one would be a boy. In January, we went in for our sonogram and saw that in deed this little bundle was going to be a boy. He was no ashamed to tell us what he was like his older sister.

My pregnancy went down hill from there when I hit third trimester. I soon found out that I had diabetes and would have to change my diet to protect Miles and myself from blood sugar problems. Then just like Ginny, my blood pressure would be high. At thirty five weeks, I was in the hosptial for a weekend with high blood pressure, low fluids, and low platelets. I was about to have Miles but the doctor decided to check everything again one last time. I was in luck everything was stable for the time. At 37 weeks I was told that any time I could have him. Well at 37 weeks and 2 days I went to the doctor and sure enough my blood pressure was high. The doctor said it was time. I was admitted to the hospital and had to wait till ten pm to go back for a c-section. Of course when they took my blood pressure there it was low but my doctor decided it was time to meet the little guy. At five o'clock my mom arrived at the hospital to stay while Stephen went to get some things done and call some people. At around eight, I received a priesthood blessing from Stephen and our home teacher. At around ten p.m I walked into the OR and recieved the spinal. Which went a lot better when I was not having contractions. Also Miles was kicking me and moving all around during it. It was just me and two guys in the room who were getting things ready for awhile. The oxygen was placed on my nose which made me sick to my stomach and dry heave. Finally, my doctor arrived as well as Stephen. It was time to meet Miles.
At 10:13pm my doctor said, "Hi little guy, you can't look at me yet." Then at 10:14pm, I heard Miles cry for the first time. He was letting everyone know he was awake and wanting mom. He was an 8 both times on the agar scale which was very nice to hear. He weight 8lbs 9.2 ounces and was 20 inches long. His blood sugar was good right when he was born. When we went back to recovery room Miles latched on like a champ and I was finally able to experience breastfeeding for the very first time. He ate great and was sound asleep. At around two in the morning I was wheeled with Miles in my arm to my new room. We went back a door as it was closing and set off the alarm for the whole hospital. Opps, our nurse was embarrassed at it as the security called. We were finally together.
Sometime in the morning following Miles had to go to the nursery because his blood suger was low. Though within 24 hrs he was back in our room with us thankfully. It was a totally different experience from when I had Ginny. Soon I was up and moving about the room without pain medicine which shocked everyone except my family. Well, here are some pictures of Miles...

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