Stephen and I were able to go to the temple just recently. I still can't believe that I can finally go through it anytime that I want to as long as I am living the commendments. Anyways, so it was really neat. Plus, I helped my mother-in-law Char be sealed to her parents for all time and eternity. Stephen and I were proxys of her parents during the sealing. It was so so so amazing. I can't wait to help my own ancestors on my mother's side get their temple blessings.
Ginny also thought it would totally be great to make the biggest mess in awhile. I love her but at times it's hard having a three year old. She decided to paint the kitchen table with yogert as well as the floor. While I put Miles down for his nap of the day. Charlie was coming up the stairs while I was going down and said, "You are not going to like what is happening down stairs." I am not sure how quickly I got down the stairs I just know that I was steaming. Though, I have to say the incident of the yogert still did not over top the incident of Miles eating vasline while I was in the bathroom. I am glad this time I took a picture.
But it's the inspiring and watching my children grow into little people that amaze me so much. Ginny loves to look at books and makes up her own stories while she reads them based off the pictures. Or the time that Miles finally said, "Mama" to me. Or the time that Ginny brought me the Book Mormon stories book and asked me to read it to her at bedtime. It's those moments that make the hard moments disappear.
Because they won't stay little much longer no matter how hard I try. It might not be easy to be a stay-at-home mom, but then I remember what I missed out on while I was studying for my career. It makes it that much harder to go out to the career field and leave those precious babies behind. Because they have grown so much since the first time I was able to lay my eyes on them.