So this year I knew that Easter would be a lot of fun with Ginny. She's at that fun age when she can actually go Easter egg looking on her own. Well, we went to one of the local parks where they were having a huge Easter Egg hunt this year. I was nervous because it stormed that night that it would be cancelled. We were in luck though as it was still going on. They had the place marked off by age groups and Ginny was in the youngest group. They had candy thrown in a field for the kids. I just had to show Ginny one time what to do with the candy. Then she was off, and man was she off on her own. She would not only grab one candy at a time but six or even eight pieces at time before she put it in her basket. Her basket is full of candy that of course she gets to share with Daddy as I (Mommy) can't have any of it until Miles is born.
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