Thursday, April 18, 2013
Ginny turns 2 years Old
I can't believe my little girl is now two years old. I just remember how wonderful her pregnancy is and how different her brother's is. It amazes me though that I have this independent two year old how lights up my life every single day. Ginny has learned so much this past year and her vocabulary has picked up a ton in the past couple of months. She can say close to two hundred words or so. She tries to say much more but around two hundred words that you can actually understand. She knows her manners and always says "Thank you" when you hand her things. Of course she like normal toddlers have their melt downs and she has them pretty often. But some days we have very little melt downs with her and it is so much fun. Lately, she has even been telling us when she is tired by saying, "I'm tired." Of course last night she kept repeating it as she fell asleep. She is finally realizing that their is a baby in my tummy. We are helping her get excited to have a baby brother in her life. I can't wait to see how she does with her baby brother Miles (who can make his appearance anytime.)She loves to cuddle with her Daddy and of course me. She loves to give us kisses and hugs and she will even give a kiss to Miles. She loves animals like no other. She knows most animal noises on her own and she is slowly learning the alphabet with flashcards. She loves watching Elmo on tv as well as The Chew and Dancing with the Stars.
Things that I am looking forward to this year is watching her grow more. I wish she could stay little but I know she needs to grow. This summer, while her brother is sleeping during the day, I have plans to do a lot of teaching things with her. I really want her to be able to succeed in school when she does enter it. We are going to be making food and just exploring the world around us. I can't wait to see her with her brother and I know it will be a challenge at first. Most likely she will just keep loving on him like crazy. Though, it will be a transition with her as she is a Mommy's girl and she even gets jealous of her Daddy at times. But I know she will handle it well. It's going to be hard when I go back to full time school in the fall leaving her and her baby brother with the sitters but I know she will do great and show her brother the ropes. I also can't wait to sign her up for another session of swim lessons this summer and hope that she does great as she done in the past. Also signing her and her brother up for the library summer reading program. Reading is a big thing in our family and and I want to be able to share the joy with her.
Happy Birthday Ginny,
Thursday, April 4, 2013
So this year I knew that Easter would be a lot of fun with Ginny. She's at that fun age when she can actually go Easter egg looking on her own. Well, we went to one of the local parks where they were having a huge Easter Egg hunt this year. I was nervous because it stormed that night that it would be cancelled. We were in luck though as it was still going on. They had the place marked off by age groups and Ginny was in the youngest group. They had candy thrown in a field for the kids. I just had to show Ginny one time what to do with the candy. Then she was off, and man was she off on her own. She would not only grab one candy at a time but six or even eight pieces at time before she put it in her basket. Her basket is full of candy that of course she gets to share with Daddy as I (Mommy) can't have any of it until Miles is born.


The Zoo
So one thing about where we live we have a very nice zoo. It's nice that they have a good assortment of animals but also that it's completely free to go visit. So we always enjoy taking Ginny to see the many animals at the zoo. Our favorite time is when the zookeepers are feeding the animals. They always start out feeding the ducks which is so fun to watch. The ducks swim on top of each other to get to the food the guys are throwing out at them. Then they go around the park feeding the many animals. Ginny, got to witness the vultures being fed for the first time. It scared her as they kept fighting over the same food. As we went around the zoo, Stephen or myself would say the animals name and she would try to repeat it. We have been working hard on increasing her vocabulary at home and anywhere we go. Here are some pictures that I took of our wonderful zoo.


Playing at the Park
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, things have gotten busy with Miles birth coming quickly. Anyways, so lately we have had one or two nice days here in Kansas. Which is nice with all the snow we have been getting. Stephen and I agreed to take advantage of the nice weather as much as we can. So we have been to the park many times with Ginny to just let her run and play. She has even had a chance as you can see to sit in the big girl swing and swing a little. Of course she was a little nervous.


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