
Thursday, August 11, 2011

4 Months Old

So today Ginny turned four months old. I can't believe that by this time at night, I was crying my eyes out because I couldn't cuddle with my little girl who was in the nursery because of her condition. It was a long hard labor for me and it was even a long eleven days after. But we are finally adjusting to being parents. We can't be more happy with our little girl. It still amazes me that she is four months old.

So right now what does Ginny do. Right now she eats every four hours except at night four ozs. We are hoping to get the okay for eating cereal next week. We will also get to find how much she weighs.
Her bedtime is 8:30pm. If you don't have her ready for bed by then you get a screaming mess of a baby. She then will sleep all the way to six o'clock am. Wake up just to eat and new diaper. Also to say goodbye to her daddy as he leaves for work then back to sleep till ten.
She loves singing time with Mommy and playing in her toy.
Also, she loves standing and loves when her daddy says, "How you Doing?" or when mommy says, 'What do you want?"

Love her to death.

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