So things are busy. School is going good in some ways and bad in others. In poetry and Comp. II I have a B. Each of my poems in poetry have given me a good B. And two essays that I have already done in Comp. II both got a good B which both that I am re doing in hopes to raise it to an A. So I am pretty happy with those two classes. In Geography, that's another story. I had one test so far my other test will be in a couple of weeks. The test I recieved a 49% on so that makes my grade very low and miserable. I am hoping to really study over spring break to bring the grade up also to try and get ahead on school work. In my Econ. class, I got a C- on my first class which means that I am at a C- in class. I am hoping to bring that grade up by studying harder then before. But things are going good in classes and I am really thankful to have tutoring in Geography and Econ. the two that I knew I would need help in. I will be soon registry for next semister and applying for Block 1. I will need prayers that I can be accepted into Block 1 so I can finally get started on becoming an elementary teacher.
My pregnancy is going really well. I am still measuring a week ahead which means that Ginny could be a pretty good size baby. I am just hoping she will not be nine pounds or more. My doctor said that she will let me go at least a week after my due date which means that I could get my finals in if I don't go in labor. But my geography teacher is letting me take my final the week before in her class. I am hoping that my econ teacher will let me do the same so I don't have to worry about it. At our last doctor's appointment we found out that most likely Ginny is already heads down which is a plus since I never turned. Also her heartbeat was 156 which is pretty good and her normal. Here is some bump pictures.
31 Weeks
32 Weeks
Also Stephen and I have been really working on the nusery. We are so excited to be able to get everything ready for the arrival of our little girl. As the nusery is getting ready it's making it more real for us. That she will be here very soon. I have my baby shower that my mom is hosting on the 19th of March and the one here in my college town on the 9th of Apirl. It's just really hitting me that I will be a mother really soon. I am just hoping that she will stay until at least the week before her due date.
So Stephen and I like to treat ourselves once and awhile. Since we don't usually buy gifts for each other we get to pick out something when we have the money. This time we were able to pick out one big gift for each of us. Stephen got a 32 inch HDTV for the living room. He's been begging me to let him get one and I finally let him. I got a Kindle which will be nice to take the hospital with me as I won't be needing tons of books to keep me occupied. Though who knows when I will actually take it out and use it at the hospital. It's nice though and I am enjoying it.
What to look for to next week's post is that we have our only birthing class tomorrow on Saturday and on Sunday we will be going to see our niece Addie get blessed. It will be nice to see family this weekend. So that's what next week's post will be about.
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