So the fourth was very wet and rainy. Stephen and I went to church and they came home to relax before we left to go find seats for the fireworks. We planned on walking to the school where the fireworks were to take place. But as it was down pour rain it did not look thrilling to walk in it. We packed snacks and water bottle to share. Packed stuff to do and my camera and phone in to zip lock bags to protect it from the rain. We decided last minute to just drive there. We were two hours early and there was no one. We also found out that you can sit in the staidum to watch the fireworks which we did in the rain. So our body was soaked. When the fireworks appeared though the place was packed and it stopped raining. Hint the rainbow picture. It was really nice to just enjoy it all. Also the firworks were suppose to be thirty min long. They happen to last till midnight when they started at nine thirty. They had some difficulties because of the rain. It was so funny that they never seemed to end.
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