
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Valentine's Day 2015

So we decided that this year instead of going out just Stephen and I for Valentine's Day that we would do something as a family. Before the day came we tried to think of different things that we could do with the kiddos. We decided that we would take the kids to wonderscope which is in Shawnee, Kansas. It's a great place for sensory and some hands on learning and thought it would be perfect for our active kids on a cold day. So off we went in the morning on Valentine's Day. We got there and it looked like we were not the only ones who thought of a family activity would be best for Valentine's Day. We first stopped off to say hi to the greeters. Which were a couple of genie pigs named Oreo and Teddy. The kids were thrilled and had no idea what was coming. We then went into the first room which was about food from the farms to the table.

We then had the luck of going to a concert there of a guy named Mr. Stinky Feet.

We then left the concert a little early as the kids wanted to go check out the other rooms. We first went into a room that was called H2O room. Which had lots of water tables as well as animals that lived in the water. The kids were in this room for over 20 min. they loved this room.

It was a bunch of fun and we had a lot of fun that we decided to buy a year membership. It will be nice to be going during the heat of the summer.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Catch Up from October to Now

It seems like this year has been going by so fast. It's been hard on me not being a stay at home mom anymore as I started a job in October as a para. I work with autistic kids that range from Kindergarten to Fifth grade. I work with about nine people in my room every day we each cover two kids a day and trade off every two weeks or so. We have the most fun in our class either from what the kids are doing or from our conversations. Of course there are days when it's hard and I just push through. Though it's been really nice and I am glad they welcomed me in to their group. I also eat with two paras at my school who are in the resource room and it's been a joy to get to know these women every day. Also in October, we found out that we are expecting baby number three. It was a huge surprise but we are slowly getting used to the idea of having another one in our lives. We also have found out that it's another boy which as of right now we are naming Mason. I am nervous and excited to find out how well Miles handles having a little brother. Though, he handles me holding some babies okay it will be interesting to see how well it goes.
In October, Stephen and I as well as my mom decided to start looking into buying a house together. We figured it was worth the money if we put it together to buy a house then all of us paying rent. we went to look at houses. Some of them were really good, but they did not have some of our needs. We then found a house close to my in-laws and we decided we should put an offer on the house. Though, there was a part of us that made us uneasy about the house as there were some massive dogs next door that did not seem to be safe for my two almost three littles. The day we decided to put an offer in on the house was a day a house came on a market. Mom sent an email out saying, "Please don't hate me, but I think we need to look at this house." That night we went to look at the house which was really close to where I grew up most of my life. We went to see the house that night and as we were there they had three other showings at the same time. All of us even the kids fell in love with the house. We knew this was our house. We decided the next day to put an offer in. Well the next morning, we recieved a call saying there was another offer going in on the house. I cried...I thought, there was no way we were going to be able to move into this house. This was the day before Thanksgiving. Finally, we decided to put a quick offer in using the best offer we had. That night, we got a call saying the owners accepted our OFFER!. We were going to be able to stay in the same ward that we were in. Also live right around the corner from a couple that we have grown very close to this past year.
We had our house inspection and he found some things that made us nervous and the buyers were willing to fix for us. Also our relator (if you are buying a house in Olathe area let me know..) paid for one of the things that the buyers did not want to fix for us. We then were able to move in on New Years' Eve. It was so exciting to be able to paint my kids room and make this house our home. As of right now though, we still have lots of boxes...and lots of things.

So, now we are in our lovely house and slowly making it our home. Ginny's room is slowly being painted from a blue that had mooses on the way to a light purple, frozen room. After we get Ginny's room done then we will start transforming the boys room to a cars room with blue walls. It's a process but we are slowly getting there. It makes me so happy that this houses is coming together. Of course in the Spring we will be having a massive Garage Sale...where we will be selling a lot of things under the sun. Which will be using the money from that to buy playground stuff for the kids in the backyard. It's nice to able to let the kids run and play in the fenced backyard. Also, we are looking forward to add a dog in this summer to our crazy family.
So, as you have seen my other post, Miles is getting test for autism as well as other difficulties. It's a hard thing for a mom to deal with and I am grateful to have the knowledge that I have at work and have the support. We will finally have our answers on the 24th of this month and it's a be relief and making me nervous.
Well, it's amazing year....

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Expecting Baby Number 3 -Another Boy

Hey, Alright, so I know this is a little late as I am twenty-two weeks pregnant, but here is the story of us finding out that we were indeed expecting baby number three. In October, I started a new job of being a para to autistic kids in a specialized classroom. I would come home and literally crash. I was so tired all the time. I would just wake up in the morning and walk down the stairs and be ready for bed. At the time I talked to one of my friends and she reminded me that I was the same way when I was pregnant with Ginny. So...after much thought I took a pregnancy test and found out that I was indeed pregnant. This pregnancy is nothing like when I was pregnant with Miles but more like Ginny's. Even the heart rate was high like Ginny's. So I thought, oh it's going to be another's a boy. As of right now, we are thinking of the name Mason Allan. Who knows if that will be the name that will stick for this active little boy that I am carrying.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Love For My Children - A Letter to Ginny, Miles, and Mason

Dear Ginny, Miles, and Mason, As of lately, life is hard for our little family. I graduated college in December and we moved in with your Grandma and Grandpa a year ago. I was able to stay home with you Ginny and Miles for a time and we had so much fun. Then I started working, sometimes I feel like it's because I started working that our relationship has changed. I feel like you two are getting short changed and I know Mason will be when I go back to work after he is born. My sweet children, know that I love you with all my heart.
Ginny, my sparkling little girl who loves the color purple and loves pokemon. You are such an amazing little girl. When you were born I felt like this was what I was meant to do was to be a mom. I feel like our time was always short as I was in college for most of your young life. Then I gave you your brother. It was amazing to see you become the best big sister. I know at times it's hard being older and feeling short change on the time that I have with you. Know that I love you and I am trying to give you the time. I just wish that your brother was not hurting you as much as he is and taking your time away from spending with Mommy and Daddy. You are an amazing little girl. I can't believe you will turn four in April and will have another little brother shortly after.
Miles, when you were born I was so excited. Especially since you were my first to actually breastfeed. I knew I was giving you the best from the right start. It amazes me how much different you are from your sister. Though those smiles are amazing. Lately though I feel like I get frustrated so quickly with you because of your many meltdowns. I am sorry for that, it just pains me to see you hurt others and even yourself through it. I love you so much, no matter if you have a developmental delay or even autism. Just know that we will figure this out together.
My surprise child Mason, actually, I am rooting for the name Mason but who knows what we will name you when the time comes. You were a major surprise, but I know there has to be a reason why you are coming to our family at this time. I love you, even though I don't often talk to you as you are in my stomach, it's taking me awhile to get used to the fact that there will be three of you in June. Just know that I love you and can't wait to see how you fit into our family. I love each and every one of you. Love Mommy.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My Little Boy is not your NORMAL Child

Hey, This is most likely my hardest post that I have to write at this time. Miles is very different than his older sister. At first, I just thought it was because he was looking up to his sister and she just talked for him. But, things have changed in my little boy. Miles is now twenty-one months old and he is only speaking up to four words, "yeah, mama, no, please." It started to concern me that he was not picking up words like I have seen other little kids his age were. Then...his nights turned bad to worse. He was waking up not just once but every hour at night. Which became harder and harder for me who is pregnant with another baby. I was often crying in the morning when it was time to get up. Then there were nights where he would be screaming for an hour and nothing could calm him. For this, I was able to take a video and show it to a doctor who told me that it was not night terrors as he was responding to my voice through the melt down. Then the meltdowns started during the day as well. At first they were like a normal toddler meltdown then they turned longer. We were having meltdowns for very little things that were lasting hours. With much tears from myself, Miles, and Ginny. So at first we started to put him in his room and he would only let us open his door when he was calm enough. Well, he had a bruise on his forehead after one session of a meltdown. So the next time I watched him during another one and watched as he ran head first into the wall, and door. Then he started to bite himself during the meltdowns. He also started to turn agressive to others during his meltdowns. He would kick, scream, bite, hit, and run at you head first. Not only was he doing it to myself, Stephen, and my mom, but Ginny as well. My sweet, cuddly boy was having some problems. We started to worry about the future. Is there a chance that he could hurt the baby when it comes during a meltdown? We started calling Children's Mercy, KU, Olathe School district, as well as Infant Toddler program. Anyone that can help took us crying on the phone to finally get someone to help us. Miles is now being evaluated on his behaviors to see if something else is going on. Autism has been thrown out in words. Something that I have wondered since I work with autistic children. Is it scary...very much so...but right now it's scary of not knowing. It's taking everything to keep myself a float. I often cry myself to sleep of frustration of not helping him. Stephen and I struggle with a normal marriage, and I struggle to not take my frustration out on him as well as Ginny. Ginny is starting to act out because of feeling left out and it breaks my heart. I have been called a BAD MOTHER by others and even myself. Did I do create this? Did I create my little boy not being able to handle things? If I did how can I make sure I do not do it again? How can I help my little boy? How will I handle this issue going on and having another baby? Is this even fair to Ginny as well as the baby? I worry and stress all the one knows what's going through my mind... AM I A HORRIBLE MOTHER?