So Christmas Eve we went to my in-laws to stay the night as we do every year. Stephen's siblings Andy, Jimmy, Johanna, and Charlie were there for awhile. Jimmy and Andy both brought their wives while Andy also brought his kids with him. Johanna brought her soon to be husband with her. It was a loud bunch with all those people. It was nice though to see everyone and I got to see a new side to Ginny. As it's usually pretty quiet at Stephen's and Mine's house she wasn't used to so many voices. So she dug deep into my pelvic bone that caused me in pain. I ended up watching my father-in-law in the kitchen making preparations for Christmas morning. Stephen and I helped with the stockings this year which was a lot of fun to help out.
Stephen got an early present from me on the twenty-third which was a huge toaster oven by me. He also got an early present from Ginny as he had his head on my baby bump seeing if he could hear her. He did say he heard some movement but then smack. He got a kick to the fact by her. It was the first time he ever felt her and it was on Christmas eve. It was so neat. His face was great to see how he reacted to his daughter.
Monday, December 27, 2010
On December 23rd, I went to go get a ultrasound to see how many little one was growing also hoping that we would get to find out what we are having for an early Christmas gift. I was very nervous going to the doctor's because I was worried that I would hear that the baby passed away. It was my greatest fear or even hear that something was wrong. Stephen and I asked my mom to come to meet her grandchild as well as Stephen's mom. Then I asked my best friend Sarah to come since she hasnt' seen me pregnant at all other then in pictures. The adding of people to the experience made me worry that something would go wrong worse. Before we went I had to drink 32 oz. of water before and couldn't go to the bathroom until after my ultrasound. I was in so much pain from drinking so much water. When we went in and I was squirted with the liquid and the ultrasound tech had me get up and go to the bathroom for a bit. Then she tried again. She got so beautiful picture of the head and some good profile pictures. I watched her measure the bones and the stomach then the head. Everything was perfectly shaped and had all the organs. We told the tech that we would like to know what we are having. She said if she sees anything she would let us know. She tried to get something but the little one wouldn't stop crossing the legs. She had me go to the bathroom again to empty my bladder. Finally the tech shook my belly to see if she can get the little one to move.
Then flash...there was the little one uncrossing the legs. The tech told me to look at her screen as she typed, "Mommy and Daddy, I'm your daughter." I tried not to cry as I am not a crier. I always knew that I was going to have a little girl first. As soon I as I knew I was pregnant I knew it was a girl where everyone was saying, "It's going to be a boy."
So I would like to introduce everyone to my little girl, Ginevera Lynne.

On December 23rd, I went to go get a ultrasound to see how many little one was growing also hoping that we would get to find out what we are having for an early Christmas gift. I was very nervous going to the doctor's because I was worried that I would hear that the baby passed away. It was my greatest fear or even hear that something was wrong. Stephen and I asked my mom to come to meet her grandchild as well as Stephen's mom. Then I asked my best friend Sarah to come since she hasnt' seen me pregnant at all other then in pictures. The adding of people to the experience made me worry that something would go wrong worse. Before we went I had to drink 32 oz. of water before and couldn't go to the bathroom until after my ultrasound. I was in so much pain from drinking so much water. When we went in and I was squirted with the liquid and the ultrasound tech had me get up and go to the bathroom for a bit. Then she tried again. She got so beautiful picture of the head and some good profile pictures. I watched her measure the bones and the stomach then the head. Everything was perfectly shaped and had all the organs. We told the tech that we would like to know what we are having. She said if she sees anything she would let us know. She tried to get something but the little one wouldn't stop crossing the legs. She had me go to the bathroom again to empty my bladder. Finally the tech shook my belly to see if she can get the little one to move.
Then flash...there was the little one uncrossing the legs. The tech told me to look at her screen as she typed, "Mommy and Daddy, I'm your daughter." I tried not to cry as I am not a crier. I always knew that I was going to have a little girl first. As soon I as I knew I was pregnant I knew it was a girl where everyone was saying, "It's going to be a boy."
So I would like to introduce everyone to my little girl, Ginevera Lynne.

Monday, December 20, 2010
Mitts/Meyn/Reichard/Cabe Family Christmas
So my side of the family always has Christmas early because myself and my sister Necia go to our in-laws on Christmas and Christy has traditions of just her and the kids. This year, we decided to do ham, my mom cheesy wild rice soup, breadsticks, fruit, cheese, and veggie for the food. It was also again at my place this year which isn't a big deal.
We had a lot fun hanging out with each other and talking. The kids played nicely with each other. The boys (Michael (18), Dallas (12), and Calvin (10)) played halo in my bedroom on Stephen's x-box while the girls (Maddison (9) and Abriana (8)) did crafts in the nursery. We all got wonderful gifts. Everyone got a snuggie from my mom which we all enjoy. Most got slippers as well. We all got some games that we could play with out family. Stephen and I recieved baby stuff like a huge box of newborn diapers. It was a lot of fun spending time with the family. Also it was a huge thing for miss Abbi (9 months) who got to open her first present ever.
So my side of the family always has Christmas early because myself and my sister Necia go to our in-laws on Christmas and Christy has traditions of just her and the kids. This year, we decided to do ham, my mom cheesy wild rice soup, breadsticks, fruit, cheese, and veggie for the food. It was also again at my place this year which isn't a big deal.
We had a lot fun hanging out with each other and talking. The kids played nicely with each other. The boys (Michael (18), Dallas (12), and Calvin (10)) played halo in my bedroom on Stephen's x-box while the girls (Maddison (9) and Abriana (8)) did crafts in the nursery. We all got wonderful gifts. Everyone got a snuggie from my mom which we all enjoy. Most got slippers as well. We all got some games that we could play with out family. Stephen and I recieved baby stuff like a huge box of newborn diapers. It was a lot of fun spending time with the family. Also it was a huge thing for miss Abbi (9 months) who got to open her first present ever.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

(This entry comes from my heart to a lovely twelve year old boy)
Dear Dallas,
I can't believe you are twelve years old today. It's amazing how much time has flown since that night you were born. I remember that night as if it was yesterday because you made my life change. That year I found out that I had a diease and soon found out that I was going to be an Aunt to another little boy which made the pain go away.
I remember holding you soon after you were born just amazed on how perfect you were. I loved you at the first sight and I couldn't wait to watch you grow up. Man, have you grown up into a wonderful kid almost a teenager. You are such a great kid to get to know. Your smile makes me smile and I have many memories of you growing up. Soon, you will be a teenager and taking on the world, but always the smart, funny, loving, kid that you were once were. You are like your dad with your humor which always makes someone laugh no matter what. But you have your head stright and strive to be good in school with your grades. I can't believe how smart you are. You surpise me in a lot of ways. You love sports and love hanging out with your family. You love your little sister even though she can be a pain in the butt most of the time. But that's what little sisters are. You are so great with you cousins no matter how old they are. I really can't wait to see you hold your soon-to-be baby cousin in May.
Be strong and don't ever forget about the family that loves you as you grow up. Remember that you are who you are for a reason and that reason makes all of us love you even more.
Love you,
Aunt Kendra
Monday, December 13, 2010
19 Weeks and 6 Days!
So I thought I better get to writing my blog as right now I am not that busy as I only have one final. So school is coming to an end on Thursday till January which I am so excited for. I already had my psychology final and I got an 84% on the final. Which should bring my grade to a B in the class. It's amazing to think that I have worked my butt of for this semister. To know that next semister around this time my life will be totally different. I'll be a mother to a brand new baby. There is no doubt that I will have a baby by finals week in the spring semister. It's amazing to think about but kind of nervous. But school went really good this semister. Sure i was stressed a lot but I worked for my grades that I am recieving.
So...I am nineteen weeks and six days along in my pregnancy. It's an amazing thing to think about to tell the truth. I had a doctor's appointment last week on Thursday and I got to hear my baby's heartbeat which was beating very strong at 159 bpm. People are still guessing what we are having which hopefully will be revealed on the twenty-third this month. My mom, my mother-in-law, and my friend Sarah are coming down to see the sonogram with Stephen and I. We are really excited for this chance. My mom is really excited to see her first biological grandchild. It's an amazing experience for her. I just can't wait to put a name with our little one. If it's a girl we are naming her Ginevra Lynne and if it's a boy it's Miles _______ we are still debating about the middle name if it's a boy. But all in all my pregnancy is going really well. I did have a simi high blood pressure at my last appointment but nothing they were worried about at this point. I did have a feeling that I would have to give blood and I am terrified of needles. I did have to give blood...and it wasn't fun at all. The lady didn't even listen to the word I said, when I told her that my veins disappear very quickly. Or that I have RA. The first time she stuck me she couldn't find the vein and moved the needle around in my arm trying to find it. the second stick killed me. I swear Stephen was lucky to not have much feeling in his hands. Because she put it on my knuckle on my hand...who does that. Then of course she couldn't find the vein so she wiggled the needle around and Stephen said that the bruise was forming each movement she did. She told me that next time I would get blood taken to make sure she was not working.
No movement yet on the little one. It bums me out to tell the truth that I haven't felt the baby move. Some say be patients that it will happen. Other say, "You might be feeling it but you just don't realize it." It's stressful. Oh...another stressful thing is that my hips pop when I get up from anything. Stephen chuckles and I gasp in pain. But other then that everything going great.
Oh we were lucky. After our doctor's appointment we got the chance to go shopping for Christmas gifts and we bought all of our Christmas gifts. We were both pretty happy about that. Also Stephen wrapped them all by himself as I was studying for my finals.
So I thought I better get to writing my blog as right now I am not that busy as I only have one final. So school is coming to an end on Thursday till January which I am so excited for. I already had my psychology final and I got an 84% on the final. Which should bring my grade to a B in the class. It's amazing to think that I have worked my butt of for this semister. To know that next semister around this time my life will be totally different. I'll be a mother to a brand new baby. There is no doubt that I will have a baby by finals week in the spring semister. It's amazing to think about but kind of nervous. But school went really good this semister. Sure i was stressed a lot but I worked for my grades that I am recieving.
So...I am nineteen weeks and six days along in my pregnancy. It's an amazing thing to think about to tell the truth. I had a doctor's appointment last week on Thursday and I got to hear my baby's heartbeat which was beating very strong at 159 bpm. People are still guessing what we are having which hopefully will be revealed on the twenty-third this month. My mom, my mother-in-law, and my friend Sarah are coming down to see the sonogram with Stephen and I. We are really excited for this chance. My mom is really excited to see her first biological grandchild. It's an amazing experience for her. I just can't wait to put a name with our little one. If it's a girl we are naming her Ginevra Lynne and if it's a boy it's Miles _______ we are still debating about the middle name if it's a boy. But all in all my pregnancy is going really well. I did have a simi high blood pressure at my last appointment but nothing they were worried about at this point. I did have a feeling that I would have to give blood and I am terrified of needles. I did have to give blood...and it wasn't fun at all. The lady didn't even listen to the word I said, when I told her that my veins disappear very quickly. Or that I have RA. The first time she stuck me she couldn't find the vein and moved the needle around in my arm trying to find it. the second stick killed me. I swear Stephen was lucky to not have much feeling in his hands. Because she put it on my knuckle on my hand...who does that. Then of course she couldn't find the vein so she wiggled the needle around and Stephen said that the bruise was forming each movement she did. She told me that next time I would get blood taken to make sure she was not working.
No movement yet on the little one. It bums me out to tell the truth that I haven't felt the baby move. Some say be patients that it will happen. Other say, "You might be feeling it but you just don't realize it." It's stressful. Oh...another stressful thing is that my hips pop when I get up from anything. Stephen chuckles and I gasp in pain. But other then that everything going great.
Oh we were lucky. After our doctor's appointment we got the chance to go shopping for Christmas gifts and we bought all of our Christmas gifts. We were both pretty happy about that. Also Stephen wrapped them all by himself as I was studying for my finals.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Long Time No See
Okay, so I want to start this blog out with "Does anyone read my blog?" I feel like I am talking to an empty space of the internet a lot. I know I haven't been on in awhile but it feels like I am alone in my writing mostly because no one comments on my rambles. I started the blog for friends and family to keep in touch and to see what Stephen and I do in life. Sure our life is boring with school and work but I thought friends and family would enjoy reading about it. Anyways...again sorry I haven't posted in awhile. It's just that school is coming to a close which means lots of projects, tests, and papers are due. It can get pretty hectic to say the least.
Anyways, so lets see I am eighteen weeks pregnant. I'll be nineteen weeks on Tuesday, but don't expect a blog post that day because it's dead week. It's been interesting to say the least. I lost insurence and it's been a struggle to not go to doctor's appointment because of it. I do believe I missed two doctor's appointments because of no insurence. But I have my next doctor's appointment on Thursday. I am super excited for the fact that I might be able to schedule an ultrasound for my twentieth week so that might mean I'll know what we are having before Christmas also for the chance to see my little one. I invited my mom and my mother-in-law to come with us when we have it. My mom has been looking forward to it since the beginning. My mom will be with us when I deliever, because she has done it with all my sisters and I want her to experience it with me.
I do have a baby registry up at Walmart even before we know what we are having. The reason was so that those who are looking for Christmas gifts for us can go look at our registry. We only want baby stuff for christmas because money for us is tight and it's only going to be even more tight once the baby comes. I am so excited for Christmas break though, because I am going through our guest room that is becoming our nursery. It's going to be interesting to watch more baby stuff arrive and the office stuff somewhere else in our apartment. We haven't figured out everything yet but we will I guess. Also no feeling the baby move yet...it makes me nervous to tell the truth. But I'll get my feelings rested seeing the doctor and perhaps hearing the baby's heartbeat. Which I am going to record this time.
Well...I better work on stuff for this week.
Okay, so I want to start this blog out with "Does anyone read my blog?" I feel like I am talking to an empty space of the internet a lot. I know I haven't been on in awhile but it feels like I am alone in my writing mostly because no one comments on my rambles. I started the blog for friends and family to keep in touch and to see what Stephen and I do in life. Sure our life is boring with school and work but I thought friends and family would enjoy reading about it. Anyways...again sorry I haven't posted in awhile. It's just that school is coming to a close which means lots of projects, tests, and papers are due. It can get pretty hectic to say the least.
Anyways, so lets see I am eighteen weeks pregnant. I'll be nineteen weeks on Tuesday, but don't expect a blog post that day because it's dead week. It's been interesting to say the least. I lost insurence and it's been a struggle to not go to doctor's appointment because of it. I do believe I missed two doctor's appointments because of no insurence. But I have my next doctor's appointment on Thursday. I am super excited for the fact that I might be able to schedule an ultrasound for my twentieth week so that might mean I'll know what we are having before Christmas also for the chance to see my little one. I invited my mom and my mother-in-law to come with us when we have it. My mom has been looking forward to it since the beginning. My mom will be with us when I deliever, because she has done it with all my sisters and I want her to experience it with me.
I do have a baby registry up at Walmart even before we know what we are having. The reason was so that those who are looking for Christmas gifts for us can go look at our registry. We only want baby stuff for christmas because money for us is tight and it's only going to be even more tight once the baby comes. I am so excited for Christmas break though, because I am going through our guest room that is becoming our nursery. It's going to be interesting to watch more baby stuff arrive and the office stuff somewhere else in our apartment. We haven't figured out everything yet but we will I guess. Also no feeling the baby move yet...it makes me nervous to tell the truth. But I'll get my feelings rested seeing the doctor and perhaps hearing the baby's heartbeat. Which I am going to record this time.
Well...I better work on stuff for this week.
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