So I am writing another blog before I go back to packing sue me. Anyways...I love music. My friends tell me that I have too many music but no one has seen Stephen's collection. He's got a months worth of songs. We could be underground for a month and we will be listening to music the whole time on his laptop. It's that serious. But I am catching up with my own collection. I am always listening to music. On ITunes you get to make your own playlist. I have way to many playlist. I have a playlist for just working out. I have a playlist for packing/moving. I have a playlist that only Stephen and I listen to on my computer. I have tons of playlist. I even have a playlist for when I am around children. But I have always loved music that might be why I was in choir until my sophmore year of high school. But I can listen to one song for hours at a time and still be happy to listen to it later in the day. That's just the way I am with my music.
So Stephen and I are working on losing weight. My goal is to lose 75 pounds before my year anniversery and if I reach that goal then all my clothes will be going to good will and I get a whole new set of clothes. Stephen's goal is sort of the same but the same deadline. He gets the whole prize too if he wins. It's something that both of us can do together when we are together is help.
Yesterday was a day that I really wished my maid of honor was home. I found out that several of my friends won't be coming to the wedding because they can't take out of their busy schedule to see one of their friends get married. When I found out that they weren't coming I was upset and felt like I wasn't important in their lives. Specially the ones that I know live close enough that it would be fifteen minutes to get here. Where some are coming from Topeka to come see me get married and they can't. It hurt and made me feel worthless. It was sort of like my bacherlette party. I am so thankful that Sarah tried to give me the best one she could. But things happened and two bridesmaids couldn't make it. One had a thing she had to take care of and the other something happened. So it just was me, Lisa, Kathi, and Sarah. We ended up just watching tv and not really doing much. I remember seeing Stephen that night and upset because it didn't turn out the way I wished it could. Then tonight is my bridal shower, I am pretty excited and sort of not. None of my friends can make it. Thankfully my best friend is trying to be there via web cam lets hope it will work. But none of my friends or even sisters can come which hurts more then anything. I am sort of dreading the fact that I will almost be the youngest in the room. I really wish it's already past the wedding. I want to be with Stephen more then ever and not have to worry about the wedding at all.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Who knew that packing was such a pain in the butt. Today, mom and me went off to a church members house where she had tons of wedding decorations to go through. I found one thing that I have been actually thinking of having. I guess I'll just have to see how it looks to see if I like it. Then we meant up with Stephen for lunch at Wendy's. A random guy at Wendy's even talked to us. Mom and me then headed to look at hotels for my grandparents and cousins for when they come in for the wedding on the 9th of July. Then we ran other errands around town and came home. As soon as I walked into the house I went upstairs and started packing. I packed all my books off my tall bookshelf and put some books aside to be sent to either good will or half-price books. But I also threw away a lot of stuff like old papers and such. Then went through my bin that I keep things that will mean something later on. Like all my cards I got at graduation. I went through them all and read each little thing on them, I even read my yearbook and some of the comments. Clearly people knew I was going to be marrying Stephen. Then saw some dresses that I wore when I was ten or younger that mean a lot to me. It's amazing how things change and how much I am giving up to move. I'll pretty much be living out of boxes but it will be worth it.
Tomorrow I have my bridal shower which my lovely in-laws are giving me. It's so neat to be apart of the Mitts family and how quickly they took me under their wing. Even Stephen's sister-in-laws are helping organize the bridal shower. I pretty much just have to show up. Sarah since she still away for her intership will be on a webcam so she will be there sort of. But it sucks that neither of my own sister can't make it to it. Even my two other bridesmaids can't make it to the bridal shower. Another thing is that I only had three people at my bacherlette party and we watched tv the whole time. Where Stephen will have a group of guys and have a blast playing halo. I am so jealous of his party that I want to go but of course I can't. I miss him being close...
Who knew that packing was such a pain in the butt. Today, mom and me went off to a church members house where she had tons of wedding decorations to go through. I found one thing that I have been actually thinking of having. I guess I'll just have to see how it looks to see if I like it. Then we meant up with Stephen for lunch at Wendy's. A random guy at Wendy's even talked to us. Mom and me then headed to look at hotels for my grandparents and cousins for when they come in for the wedding on the 9th of July. Then we ran other errands around town and came home. As soon as I walked into the house I went upstairs and started packing. I packed all my books off my tall bookshelf and put some books aside to be sent to either good will or half-price books. But I also threw away a lot of stuff like old papers and such. Then went through my bin that I keep things that will mean something later on. Like all my cards I got at graduation. I went through them all and read each little thing on them, I even read my yearbook and some of the comments. Clearly people knew I was going to be marrying Stephen. Then saw some dresses that I wore when I was ten or younger that mean a lot to me. It's amazing how things change and how much I am giving up to move. I'll pretty much be living out of boxes but it will be worth it.
Tomorrow I have my bridal shower which my lovely in-laws are giving me. It's so neat to be apart of the Mitts family and how quickly they took me under their wing. Even Stephen's sister-in-laws are helping organize the bridal shower. I pretty much just have to show up. Sarah since she still away for her intership will be on a webcam so she will be there sort of. But it sucks that neither of my own sister can't make it to it. Even my two other bridesmaids can't make it to the bridal shower. Another thing is that I only had three people at my bacherlette party and we watched tv the whole time. Where Stephen will have a group of guys and have a blast playing halo. I am so jealous of his party that I want to go but of course I can't. I miss him being close...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Crazy Week 16 Days!!!
Man has been busy...we are slowly finishing the last details of the wedding. It can take it out of you. But I know once and for all when it's done it will be worth it. On Monday, I went shopping with my sister and my mom for flowers. My sister Necia is making the flowers and it's going to look great. Then Stephen came over and we watched the Newyweds which often have us cracking up. We have been cheering for the Mormon couple on the show who always seem funny with their comments about each other.
On Tuesday, my sister picked me up and we ran some of her errands then went to the court house where I got the stuff to sign for the wedding. Then I went to her house to work on something. Then We played with my hair till Stephen arrived. Stephen and I stopped by Sonic on the way home and then we went to his house to help him pack up the house. When in reality I just sat there and watched him pack. I did though enjoy the chocolate icecream.
On Wednesday, I packed a bit in my room then Stephen took a half day off because of the heat and we went down to my sisters so she can play with my hair when she finally found one that she liked.
Then Stephen and I came to my house and watched tv cuddled on the couch. Soon the winds picked up and I went outside to check on the clouds. I love storms. Has I turned to head back into the house I almost forgot the one step but remembered it but then oversteped it and lost my balence and took a nose dive onto the sidewalk. So now I have cuts on my nose, upper lip, right hand, both elebows, and both knees. I look like a mess I also pulled a muscle in my right arm. The joys. Of course it didn't feel nice to have Stephen and my mom laughing at me.
Man has been busy...we are slowly finishing the last details of the wedding. It can take it out of you. But I know once and for all when it's done it will be worth it. On Monday, I went shopping with my sister and my mom for flowers. My sister Necia is making the flowers and it's going to look great. Then Stephen came over and we watched the Newyweds which often have us cracking up. We have been cheering for the Mormon couple on the show who always seem funny with their comments about each other.
On Tuesday, my sister picked me up and we ran some of her errands then went to the court house where I got the stuff to sign for the wedding. Then I went to her house to work on something. Then We played with my hair till Stephen arrived. Stephen and I stopped by Sonic on the way home and then we went to his house to help him pack up the house. When in reality I just sat there and watched him pack. I did though enjoy the chocolate icecream.
On Wednesday, I packed a bit in my room then Stephen took a half day off because of the heat and we went down to my sisters so she can play with my hair when she finally found one that she liked.

Monday, June 22, 2009
Another Summer Giveaway
Another Summer giveaway and let me tell you it's worth checking out the blog link. This week it's cook-books. I actually won last weeks and it just take a few clicks to become one of the names into her draw. Here's the link. http://queenoftheclan.blogspot.com/2009/06/summer-time-give-away-fabulous-cook.html
Another Summer giveaway and let me tell you it's worth checking out the blog link. This week it's cook-books. I actually won last weeks and it just take a few clicks to become one of the names into her draw. Here's the link. http://queenoftheclan.blogspot.com/2009/06/summer-time-give-away-fabulous-cook.html
Father's Day Update
So I didn't think that Father's Day would upset me as much as it did. It surpises me and comes quick enough for me. During the day yesterday I was sitting next to Stephen and we just did our usual where we are both on our laptops working on things. I believe he was finding a hotel for our honeymoon at the time and ordering my wedding ring. Anyways everything was fine. I didn't have to be around fathers and I was comfortable just the two of us. Later we went to his family's house and we made dinner for the family. But as Stephen made the dinner I found a book about dads. I picked it up and started to read a couple of pages and one of them got to me. I started to cry and realize how much I missed out from having a father. I just put the book down and went to Stephen and wrapped my arms around him and cried. He held me knowing I was having a rough time to keep it together. When his family arrived his mom talked about the book and me being brave put a face on. Stephen at times was about to tell them to ease up but I shoved his arm gently and shook my head. I am used to it. Later that night I laid in my bed crying for the pain of not having that chance of having experiences with a father.
So I didn't think that Father's Day would upset me as much as it did. It surpises me and comes quick enough for me. During the day yesterday I was sitting next to Stephen and we just did our usual where we are both on our laptops working on things. I believe he was finding a hotel for our honeymoon at the time and ordering my wedding ring. Anyways everything was fine. I didn't have to be around fathers and I was comfortable just the two of us. Later we went to his family's house and we made dinner for the family. But as Stephen made the dinner I found a book about dads. I picked it up and started to read a couple of pages and one of them got to me. I started to cry and realize how much I missed out from having a father. I just put the book down and went to Stephen and wrapped my arms around him and cried. He held me knowing I was having a rough time to keep it together. When his family arrived his mom talked about the book and me being brave put a face on. Stephen at times was about to tell them to ease up but I shoved his arm gently and shook my head. I am used to it. Later that night I laid in my bed crying for the pain of not having that chance of having experiences with a father.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day
So today is Father's Day. I have to tell you that father's day and I don't mix. It's one of the days that I don't like being at church or anywhere near other families. Because of the fact that I don't have anyone to celebrate with or for. It became one of the worst days. At church I would listen to talks all about fathers. Kids would tell the people in their talks about their perfect father. Wives would talk about how perfect their husbands are being fathers. The fathers would even talk about their father. Me sitting there in the pew have had many tears during those days. So on Father's Day I don't go to church. But I have found a father in Rich Laudie. He helped raise me who I am and he has given me the strength that I need and never got from a father. So yesterday Stephen and I made our way to the Laudie's resident and hung out with them and about thirty young single adults. We watched people canoe, many deer, and jump into the lake. We played some golf, apples to apples, and ping pong ourselves and enjoyed the company.
But Rich Laudie is my father of sorts. He always have been my strength. He has sat with me on the pew during church just playing hangman or even dots to dots. Just to keep my mind off what is being said. But that is why I chose him to walk me down the aisle. I wanted him to be there during this special moment because in truth he is my dad. Even Stephen asked his permission to ask for my hand on December 31st at a young single adult dance. So in truth I didn't want it any other way then him walking me down the aisle.
But now I get another father to celebrate with and that would be my soon-to-be father in law John. I am excited to go over to his house and give him the present that Stephen and I got him for father's day. In several years I will be able to celebrate father's day in another way. That would be when Stephen and I have our own children and I'll be getting him something for father's day.
So in truth the future holds a lot of joy for Father's Day.
So today is Father's Day. I have to tell you that father's day and I don't mix. It's one of the days that I don't like being at church or anywhere near other families. Because of the fact that I don't have anyone to celebrate with or for. It became one of the worst days. At church I would listen to talks all about fathers. Kids would tell the people in their talks about their perfect father. Wives would talk about how perfect their husbands are being fathers. The fathers would even talk about their father. Me sitting there in the pew have had many tears during those days. So on Father's Day I don't go to church. But I have found a father in Rich Laudie. He helped raise me who I am and he has given me the strength that I need and never got from a father. So yesterday Stephen and I made our way to the Laudie's resident and hung out with them and about thirty young single adults. We watched people canoe, many deer, and jump into the lake. We played some golf, apples to apples, and ping pong ourselves and enjoyed the company.
But Rich Laudie is my father of sorts. He always have been my strength. He has sat with me on the pew during church just playing hangman or even dots to dots. Just to keep my mind off what is being said. But that is why I chose him to walk me down the aisle. I wanted him to be there during this special moment because in truth he is my dad. Even Stephen asked his permission to ask for my hand on December 31st at a young single adult dance. So in truth I didn't want it any other way then him walking me down the aisle.
But now I get another father to celebrate with and that would be my soon-to-be father in law John. I am excited to go over to his house and give him the present that Stephen and I got him for father's day. In several years I will be able to celebrate father's day in another way. That would be when Stephen and I have our own children and I'll be getting him something for father's day.
So in truth the future holds a lot of joy for Father's Day.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
"Year One" Disaster
So Mike Scoma decided to give me and Stephen a thing to see the movie "Year One" tonight instead of it coming out on Friday. We weren't interested in going but did anyway with high hopes to see that it was a good movie. So as we watched it it had funny parts but a lot of parts were confusing and lost tract of a plot. Actually I don't know if there is a plot at all. In truth...I am saying thumbs down on this movie. If you want to see it wait till Redbox.
So Mike Scoma decided to give me and Stephen a thing to see the movie "Year One" tonight instead of it coming out on Friday. We weren't interested in going but did anyway with high hopes to see that it was a good movie. So as we watched it it had funny parts but a lot of parts were confusing and lost tract of a plot. Actually I don't know if there is a plot at all. In truth...I am saying thumbs down on this movie. If you want to see it wait till Redbox.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Weekly Give-Away
One of the blogs that I follow is doing Summer Time Give Aways. Every Monday she post a new item that her readers are available to win. On Fridays she post the winner. You should check it out. This week it's the Kids Summer Fun Pack, Plus Pick Up Games by Marcia Mikleson.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
So as I am writing this on paper I am watching a class full of teenager high school students take the ACT. It brings back memories of when I myself took the ACT. Of how I felt each time I took it. I had special test because of the arthrits in my hands. So I took during school hours during a week with my counslor watching over me. The first time I took it was sometime in October. I remember how nervous I felt taking such a large test. This test is to help get into colleges. This test shows colleges to put you in certain classes. So of course the first time I took it I got a 16. The second time I took it was right before I was to ahve knee surgry. So that morning I didn't take my pain medicine. Each letter that i wrote down to be bubble made my knee throb and it felt like a needle went into my knee. So of course I got a 15. After that I knew I wasn't ment to do go on exams. So I only took it two times. But hearing people around me who got a perfect score or were three questions off made get jealous and made me feel like that I don't have get jealous and made me feel like that I don't have the right to succeed my dreams to become a teacher. When I tell people my ACT score I feel like that I didn't deserve their attention. But as I am nearing ever so slowly to graduate college. I am learning that the ACT score is just a number a random number that doesn't score is just a number that doesn't get to decide what you have to do in life. Because that is you. It doesn't get to decide if you get to be a teacher, a doctor, or even a lawyer. Because you get to decide. That little number might make it a hard road. But if you want to meet your goals then in time you will get there. So to all the high school students taking their ACTs. Don't let your score bother you. Shake it off because in the end its just a number.
So as I am writing this on paper I am watching a class full of teenager high school students take the ACT. It brings back memories of when I myself took the ACT. Of how I felt each time I took it. I had special test because of the arthrits in my hands. So I took during school hours during a week with my counslor watching over me. The first time I took it was sometime in October. I remember how nervous I felt taking such a large test. This test is to help get into colleges. This test shows colleges to put you in certain classes. So of course the first time I took it I got a 16. The second time I took it was right before I was to ahve knee surgry. So that morning I didn't take my pain medicine. Each letter that i wrote down to be bubble made my knee throb and it felt like a needle went into my knee. So of course I got a 15. After that I knew I wasn't ment to do go on exams. So I only took it two times. But hearing people around me who got a perfect score or were three questions off made get jealous and made me feel like that I don't have get jealous and made me feel like that I don't have the right to succeed my dreams to become a teacher. When I tell people my ACT score I feel like that I didn't deserve their attention. But as I am nearing ever so slowly to graduate college. I am learning that the ACT score is just a number a random number that doesn't score is just a number that doesn't get to decide what you have to do in life. Because that is you. It doesn't get to decide if you get to be a teacher, a doctor, or even a lawyer. Because you get to decide. That little number might make it a hard road. But if you want to meet your goals then in time you will get there. So to all the high school students taking their ACTs. Don't let your score bother you. Shake it off because in the end its just a number.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Sorry things are going slow on here right now. It's just well I am a nanny for Mike and Elyse's kids. It's so weird watching them all day. But the good things is that I have been babysitting Mike and Elyse's kids since the oldest Jason was only a couple of months old. I was though really nervous the first day because Kenna the baby doesn't like it when her parents leave and I would be babysitting her all day. She is usually screaming her head off most of the time that I watch her any other time. But all is well actually she is the only that haven't made me go insane. Nah. The kids are pretty good sometimes. She doing great though she giggles and tries to tell me things. But I have figured out her cries and what is wrong then anything. Even when Mike comes home she runs to him and spend time with him. But will still come near me. The boys when they were younger once their parents are in the house I had to leave. They would scream and cry nervous that they parents are leaving. Thankfully they are out of that stage. But all and all things in babysitting are great. The kids have trouble once and awhile but we have had a lot of fun. On Monday, we played outside most of the time. Thankfully since it's been pretty much mud outside since. They had a lot of fun. On Tuesday we made sugar cookies and they wounded up being eatten by Mike and the kids and mikes friends that night. Yesterday, we watched the storms and then watched movies together on the couch. Then today, the boys played until their Grandma Scoma came to get them. And I justed ended up with having Kenna to play with. We had a lot of fun...the two of us.
But all in all it's been a lot of fun. I am learning things about being around kids. So it's pretty cool. I do love babysitting them, but man do they tire me out.
Sorry things are going slow on here right now. It's just well I am a nanny for Mike and Elyse's kids. It's so weird watching them all day. But the good things is that I have been babysitting Mike and Elyse's kids since the oldest Jason was only a couple of months old. I was though really nervous the first day because Kenna the baby doesn't like it when her parents leave and I would be babysitting her all day. She is usually screaming her head off most of the time that I watch her any other time. But all is well actually she is the only that haven't made me go insane. Nah. The kids are pretty good sometimes. She doing great though she giggles and tries to tell me things. But I have figured out her cries and what is wrong then anything. Even when Mike comes home she runs to him and spend time with him. But will still come near me. The boys when they were younger once their parents are in the house I had to leave. They would scream and cry nervous that they parents are leaving. Thankfully they are out of that stage. But all and all things in babysitting are great. The kids have trouble once and awhile but we have had a lot of fun. On Monday, we played outside most of the time. Thankfully since it's been pretty much mud outside since. They had a lot of fun. On Tuesday we made sugar cookies and they wounded up being eatten by Mike and the kids and mikes friends that night. Yesterday, we watched the storms and then watched movies together on the couch. Then today, the boys played until their Grandma Scoma came to get them. And I justed ended up with having Kenna to play with. We had a lot of fun...the two of us.
But all in all it's been a lot of fun. I am learning things about being around kids. So it's pretty cool. I do love babysitting them, but man do they tire me out.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
8 Months Anniversery....Hoping for a 800 Month Anniversery
So as you can tell from the title today is Stephen and mine 8 months anniversery. Who knew that this would be just amazing time for me. Never did I see it coming to this. Never would I see myself getting married in a little over a month. Even though my friend Sarah saw it. Well I hinted at the story so I might as well explain it. Sarah and I went to the pool/waterpark and I was complaining that a lot of my friends are getting married and I honestly said, "I don't think I will be getting married." She looked at me and said, "Don't worry, you'll be getting married next summer." I just laughed it off. Well...when I was telling Sarah that Stephen came by and surpised me her first words were, "Did he ask you?" No...and I didn't think he would anytime soon. Well...I guess when Sarah was giving him her best friend lecture on the phone. He said, "When are you coming home?" She told him and he said, "Okay, cause I need help looking at rings." That kind of ruined the lecture I must say. It came true. Sarah is in total shock she actually predicted this. But I am happy as can be. My friends have said, "I have never seen you this happy before." He makes me this happy.
Come next month I'll be walking down the aisle into his arms and I'll be his wife. I have always dreamed of this moment with him and now it's coming true.
So as you can tell from the title today is Stephen and mine 8 months anniversery. Who knew that this would be just amazing time for me. Never did I see it coming to this. Never would I see myself getting married in a little over a month. Even though my friend Sarah saw it. Well I hinted at the story so I might as well explain it. Sarah and I went to the pool/waterpark and I was complaining that a lot of my friends are getting married and I honestly said, "I don't think I will be getting married." She looked at me and said, "Don't worry, you'll be getting married next summer." I just laughed it off. Well...when I was telling Sarah that Stephen came by and surpised me her first words were, "Did he ask you?" No...and I didn't think he would anytime soon. Well...I guess when Sarah was giving him her best friend lecture on the phone. He said, "When are you coming home?" She told him and he said, "Okay, cause I need help looking at rings." That kind of ruined the lecture I must say. It came true. Sarah is in total shock she actually predicted this. But I am happy as can be. My friends have said, "I have never seen you this happy before." He makes me this happy.
Come next month I'll be walking down the aisle into his arms and I'll be his wife. I have always dreamed of this moment with him and now it's coming true.
Monday, June 1, 2009
40 Days!!!!!
It seems like I have a lot of time on my hands by how many post that I have made on here. In truth its just things enter my mind and get me to thinking about things. Anyways, last week was interesting to say the least. My mood was either cry like a baby or stubborn. Monday, Stephen had off from work and we spent the time with each other. It's amazing how much he makes me laugh and we just have a lot of fun with each other. My mom said she was talking about just that at her work. How different it was to be around us then my sister and her husband. Stephen and I are usually always really smiling and enjoy each other company. Where my sister and her husband we never see smile. It's really rare to see it upon either face. But that night we watched the new show called the Newlyweds. We were laughing at a lot of things that the couples had to do. Stephen and I are thinking of seeing if we can get on next year show. The show has couples leave in a huge house together and some of the things they have to do adds money to the pot. But they also have to compete against the other newylweds. If they win a thing then they get a choice to either keep the that they one from it and get the chance to be kicked off or not take the money and have no chance of leaving the house. It's pretty interesting. The first thing the couples had to do was match the answer to a question about another couples. Because it was about first thoughts about the other couple. If they answer saying the same couple they add money to the pot. If not then no big deal. Then the competation to beat the other couples they went to a room where clothes were scattered about. The man had to put the clothes on in a certain order but he was blindfolded. His wife had to stand by the door and tell him where everything was and how to get to it. It was funny to watch to tell the truth. Some of the women are mean to their husbands running them into chairs lamps. I guess tonight show is about finding the right butt of their husbands. So pay back? Then cleaning a house full of bugs with just your hands. That should be pretty interesting. On Tuesday, my mom made us dinner and we just hung out with her watching tv. On Wednesday, Stephen and I agreed that we wouldn't see each other on Wed. So we both could get things done. Okay so he can get things done. But Wednesday, I went and had my final fitting of my wedding dress. I can't wait to wear it in July. My friend Katelyn met up with us and watched as they bustled my dress so she knows what to do after the ceremony. Then we went to get my cell phone charger which was with the Mitts family and chatted with them. Then got dinner at chicken place where my soon-to-be-sister-in-law works. Then headed home and ate and just chilled the two of us. On Thursday Stephen came and we went and got some crab ragoon from my favorite mom and pop shop. It is so good. We just sat on the couch and talked and enjoyed each other company. On Friday, we went to the Mitts family hotel room and chatted with them and Stephen got his hair cut by his mom. Then on Saturday, we went to celebrate Stephen's brother's twenty-six birthday. We stayed at their place till midnight just chatting and enjoying the company. I told Stephen we should plan a double date with his brother and his wife sometime. I got to play with my soon to be niece and nephew who are a riot. Sunday we just relaxed and now Monday.
It seems like I have a lot of time on my hands by how many post that I have made on here. In truth its just things enter my mind and get me to thinking about things. Anyways, last week was interesting to say the least. My mood was either cry like a baby or stubborn. Monday, Stephen had off from work and we spent the time with each other. It's amazing how much he makes me laugh and we just have a lot of fun with each other. My mom said she was talking about just that at her work. How different it was to be around us then my sister and her husband. Stephen and I are usually always really smiling and enjoy each other company. Where my sister and her husband we never see smile. It's really rare to see it upon either face. But that night we watched the new show called the Newlyweds. We were laughing at a lot of things that the couples had to do. Stephen and I are thinking of seeing if we can get on next year show. The show has couples leave in a huge house together and some of the things they have to do adds money to the pot. But they also have to compete against the other newylweds. If they win a thing then they get a choice to either keep the that they one from it and get the chance to be kicked off or not take the money and have no chance of leaving the house. It's pretty interesting. The first thing the couples had to do was match the answer to a question about another couples. Because it was about first thoughts about the other couple. If they answer saying the same couple they add money to the pot. If not then no big deal. Then the competation to beat the other couples they went to a room where clothes were scattered about. The man had to put the clothes on in a certain order but he was blindfolded. His wife had to stand by the door and tell him where everything was and how to get to it. It was funny to watch to tell the truth. Some of the women are mean to their husbands running them into chairs lamps. I guess tonight show is about finding the right butt of their husbands. So pay back? Then cleaning a house full of bugs with just your hands. That should be pretty interesting. On Tuesday, my mom made us dinner and we just hung out with her watching tv. On Wednesday, Stephen and I agreed that we wouldn't see each other on Wed. So we both could get things done. Okay so he can get things done. But Wednesday, I went and had my final fitting of my wedding dress. I can't wait to wear it in July. My friend Katelyn met up with us and watched as they bustled my dress so she knows what to do after the ceremony. Then we went to get my cell phone charger which was with the Mitts family and chatted with them. Then got dinner at chicken place where my soon-to-be-sister-in-law works. Then headed home and ate and just chilled the two of us. On Thursday Stephen came and we went and got some crab ragoon from my favorite mom and pop shop. It is so good. We just sat on the couch and talked and enjoyed each other company. On Friday, we went to the Mitts family hotel room and chatted with them and Stephen got his hair cut by his mom. Then on Saturday, we went to celebrate Stephen's brother's twenty-six birthday. We stayed at their place till midnight just chatting and enjoying the company. I told Stephen we should plan a double date with his brother and his wife sometime. I got to play with my soon to be niece and nephew who are a riot. Sunday we just relaxed and now Monday.
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