I know this is one of the most talked about debates. Heck I am just finished watching a debate about it on Dr. Phil and Oprah who's next is talking to women who were married for twenty-seven years finding out that they are homeosexual. It's a touchie issue and to tell the truth I am going to piss off a lot of people who read this either way that I go. So here is my views.
I don't think same sex should be married. Now don't get me wrong I don't mind the whole gay kind of thing it's just married is said to be a man and a women. Not two men and not two women. If it was suppose to be like that then men and girls bodies would be the same not different. Plus we would have Adam and Steve not Adam and Eve. Now...here comes my other thoughts. I also though think that they deserve the comminments as a marriage has. Sure I think that if two men are in love or two women are in love with each other and want to be together then they should be. But they shouldn't call it a marriage. I think they should call it something else but with the same benifits as a marriage. Like a union. Because it would start to cause so many other problems then what it's worth. Like today on Dr. Phil I heard that some churchs are nervous because they don't believe in same sex marriages. So if it passes in the state do the states have to make the churchs perform those marriages. I think that if we call it something different then the churchs that don't want to perform those then they will be able not to. And won't be called the racist. So that is my views take it or leave it.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Spelling Bee
I must say it's kind of nice to have a girl from my school district that I graduate from win the National Spelling Bee. I must say way to go!
I must say it's kind of nice to have a girl from my school district that I graduate from win the National Spelling Bee. I must say way to go!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Alright I am a bookworm. I sometimes actually don't think bookworm is really the call for it. Let's see then I am a bookworm, blogworm, fanficworm, poemworm, and quoteworm. I am not sure where I got this trait of love of books. I have always loved reading books though and even writing books. I was often writing little stories that made comepletely no sense. Now though I write for myself and myself alone but every once and awhile my stories make since. They have proved to grown from those few one line pages to two hundred to three hundred full pages of writing. It's amazing how my love of books have created a love for writing. I have read many quote of authors saying that reading and writing come hand in hand with each other. I believe those things.
It's amazing though to share the love of books with others. I have a array of different genre of books in my own collection and some of them people wouldn't even asspect me to read. I have shared some books with friends who start to enjoy the books that I read. I have also read many times to the kids that I babysat and to my array of nieces of nephews. A few of those nieces and nephews are reading now on their own. One nephew is a third grade and is reading eighth grade books already. I think that I'll share my love of books with my own children. Stephen and I already discussed that we would at least read to our children for bed. Have that special moment where we just sit cuddled on the couch reading.
Alright I am a bookworm. I sometimes actually don't think bookworm is really the call for it. Let's see then I am a bookworm, blogworm, fanficworm, poemworm, and quoteworm. I am not sure where I got this trait of love of books. I have always loved reading books though and even writing books. I was often writing little stories that made comepletely no sense. Now though I write for myself and myself alone but every once and awhile my stories make since. They have proved to grown from those few one line pages to two hundred to three hundred full pages of writing. It's amazing how my love of books have created a love for writing. I have read many quote of authors saying that reading and writing come hand in hand with each other. I believe those things.
It's amazing though to share the love of books with others. I have a array of different genre of books in my own collection and some of them people wouldn't even asspect me to read. I have shared some books with friends who start to enjoy the books that I read. I have also read many times to the kids that I babysat and to my array of nieces of nephews. A few of those nieces and nephews are reading now on their own. One nephew is a third grade and is reading eighth grade books already. I think that I'll share my love of books with my own children. Stephen and I already discussed that we would at least read to our children for bed. Have that special moment where we just sit cuddled on the couch reading.
Need to Be Healthy
So I have to admit that I am not at all pretty or cute or even what some people say hot. I am far from any of them. At times I wish I was a tooth pick at other times I wonder in what even Stephen sees in me. I hate my body like no other. I am offically in the obese catergory and I feel that I can't even lose weight. I work hard to lose weight but it never happens. I just keep eatting and gaining it all back. I am never one of those girls who complain about how they look. Because that's not me. But at times I wish I have. I can't do anything to make myself look pretty. I can sure dress nice but that doesn't help with the huge bulge of a stomach. Sure i can add padding to my bras but that doesn't help with anything else. I feel completely disquesting with myself. Like today here I was working out sweating up a storm and I couldn't take much longer because my RA is bad in my hip. I want to be healthy. I want to be healthy. I want to stop and look in the mirror and be proud of myself. I want to be healthy not only for myself but for Stephen as well. Right now I am just distroying my body and nothing can stop me. I want to be able to do a lot of things without having the pain shoot up my legs, my arms, my hips. I want to be able to do things with my friends with Stephen.
Not only that I want to be able see myself as beautiful, as pretty, as hot. As something that is worth to live and to succeed in life. Right now I feel like I can't succeed. Who would hire me. Like today I am trying on my wedding gown for a fitting and I am scared to death that it won't fit. I am scared that I won't be beautiful on that day that I walk down the aisle.
227.8 pounds
So I have to admit that I am not at all pretty or cute or even what some people say hot. I am far from any of them. At times I wish I was a tooth pick at other times I wonder in what even Stephen sees in me. I hate my body like no other. I am offically in the obese catergory and I feel that I can't even lose weight. I work hard to lose weight but it never happens. I just keep eatting and gaining it all back. I am never one of those girls who complain about how they look. Because that's not me. But at times I wish I have. I can't do anything to make myself look pretty. I can sure dress nice but that doesn't help with the huge bulge of a stomach. Sure i can add padding to my bras but that doesn't help with anything else. I feel completely disquesting with myself. Like today here I was working out sweating up a storm and I couldn't take much longer because my RA is bad in my hip. I want to be healthy. I want to be healthy. I want to stop and look in the mirror and be proud of myself. I want to be healthy not only for myself but for Stephen as well. Right now I am just distroying my body and nothing can stop me. I want to be able to do a lot of things without having the pain shoot up my legs, my arms, my hips. I want to be able to do things with my friends with Stephen.
Not only that I want to be able see myself as beautiful, as pretty, as hot. As something that is worth to live and to succeed in life. Right now I feel like I can't succeed. Who would hire me. Like today I am trying on my wedding gown for a fitting and I am scared to death that it won't fit. I am scared that I won't be beautiful on that day that I walk down the aisle.
227.8 pounds
Friday, May 22, 2009
Cooking Dinner
I know that I am writing a lot but that's what summers does to me. I have a feeling once that I will finally become a teacher that I'll write during the summer more then anything. Anyways, yesterday I worked out for seventy-five minutes. I know bow down to my success...thank you...okay really you can stop. Anyways...so I worked out until really until my legs were telling me to stop. I was so enjoying the workout and the sweat that was pouring off of me. Soon after I got done, Sarah and Adam came and they played on the wii. I took a shower and we headed to target to get some shopping done. Sarah and I picked out some fun prizes for the bacherlette party that's on Saturday. And I needed to pick up some things to cook dinner that night. Because I decided to cook Stephen dinner. I wanted it to be good because to tell you the truth I am not a cook at all. Stephen's the cook. But I decided to cook dinner and by the time he got home that night it was almost done. We had a nice time though. We sat on the couch for a bit and watched tv while we ate. Not healthy but oh well. We then went to his place for awhile and hung out.
I know that I am writing a lot but that's what summers does to me. I have a feeling once that I will finally become a teacher that I'll write during the summer more then anything. Anyways, yesterday I worked out for seventy-five minutes. I know bow down to my success...thank you...okay really you can stop. Anyways...so I worked out until really until my legs were telling me to stop. I was so enjoying the workout and the sweat that was pouring off of me. Soon after I got done, Sarah and Adam came and they played on the wii. I took a shower and we headed to target to get some shopping done. Sarah and I picked out some fun prizes for the bacherlette party that's on Saturday. And I needed to pick up some things to cook dinner that night. Because I decided to cook Stephen dinner. I wanted it to be good because to tell you the truth I am not a cook at all. Stephen's the cook. But I decided to cook dinner and by the time he got home that night it was almost done. We had a nice time though. We sat on the couch for a bit and watched tv while we ate. Not healthy but oh well. We then went to his place for awhile and hung out.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
So I know it’s late but that’s the beauty of having no school. I haven’t stayed up this late in a long time on a Thursday night. Anyways, I thought I keep everyone updated. So the house is being packed up inside and out and everything in it is being cleaned/or new. All electronics are being tested to see if they work. We already know that the big tv in the living room don’t work because thankfully the whole family was downstairs watching Numbers when it hit. They loved the pretty lines that was created on the tv when the lightning hit. But everything is going good and it will take two to three months for the house to be back to it’s normal state. But all in all the insurance is coving everything which is pretty nice.
My life has been pretty nice. I have been getting up at seven o’clock to talk to Stephen in the mornings. Because it’s our rountain and it’s something important to me. Even though the first day he asked me not to do it. But I get up until he gets to work then go back to sleep for another hour or two. Then take a shower, water mom’s garnder, then what ever. Usually hang around the house working on a new novel idea. It will be interesting to see how it turns out. Or hanging out with Sarah. But that’s what going on…more later.
So I know it’s late but that’s the beauty of having no school. I haven’t stayed up this late in a long time on a Thursday night. Anyways, I thought I keep everyone updated. So the house is being packed up inside and out and everything in it is being cleaned/or new. All electronics are being tested to see if they work. We already know that the big tv in the living room don’t work because thankfully the whole family was downstairs watching Numbers when it hit. They loved the pretty lines that was created on the tv when the lightning hit. But everything is going good and it will take two to three months for the house to be back to it’s normal state. But all in all the insurance is coving everything which is pretty nice.
My life has been pretty nice. I have been getting up at seven o’clock to talk to Stephen in the mornings. Because it’s our rountain and it’s something important to me. Even though the first day he asked me not to do it. But I get up until he gets to work then go back to sleep for another hour or two. Then take a shower, water mom’s garnder, then what ever. Usually hang around the house working on a new novel idea. It will be interesting to see how it turns out. Or hanging out with Sarah. But that’s what going on…more later.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Graduation, Fire, and Babysitting

Man what a week or so it seems. On Wednesday I of course came home from college. So glad to be home and near Stephen rather then an hour and a half. On Wednesday we finished packing up my room and then headed out. Thanks to Stephen, Katelyn, Darren, and my mom to helping. On the way home Stephen and Mom stopped by to get Wendy's for lunch which we ran into some torando chasers there. If you don't know me very well then you don't know that I love torandos. Sure enough that night we had some nasty storms some of which created a torando down by my school. On Thursday, I was woken up with a phone call from a certain friend who needs to learn how to sleep in. Really nine o'clock is still early. We though went out shopping just the two of us. I only get to see her on breaks which sometimes is generally not enough time with her. Sarah and I bought some really nice perfume and then I bought a skirt. Later that day Stephen came over and did laundry at the house and cooked me dinner. I hate cooking and he loves it. Then I went and babysat Mike and Elyse's three kids. Of course they were already in bed so I just chilled until Elyse came home from work.
On Friday. I took my seventy-two hour kit with me when I went to babysit again for Mike and Elyse (I think they like it when I am home). Because I heard some nasty storms were coming in that might produce torandos. I took my kit in case I might need it since I was babysitting a four year old, a three year old, and a one year old. Stephen arrived later with subway for the two of us and we sat down just to chill with the kids. Finally the kids are warming up to Stephen. Even Kenna is getting used to him where she was giving him high fives. Once the kids were in bed it wasn't long before Mike and Elyse came home from Joe (Mike's brother) college graduation. It wasn't even two minutes after they walked in that Stephen got a phone call from his mother saying that their house was on fire. We rushed over to the house to see the street blocked by fire trucks, and everything else. Stephen ran to meet up with his mom and I sat and chilled with my mom. My only thing was being there for Stephen because he grew up in this house. It turned out to be just confined to the attic. Which meant that they get a new roof. Lightening hit the house and sit in a flame. The next day I got to see the damage and it was pretty bad but it could been in a lot worse. There were lovely holes in the celing where you can see the sky in parts. Stephen's sister's room had some major holes and her stuff was covered in celing stuff. The bathroom was a disaster and looked like it got caught on fire. The office had a hole where you could see the sky and that's the room where I'll be living in July. But all in all it wasn't too bad. They are estamting that it won't be done before the wedding which sucks but it happens. But insurence is going to cover it all.
On Sunday we watched Stephen's sister walk across stage and graduate high school. It's amazing experience to get to walk across stage. Congrats Jo on your graduation. You deserve it.
P.S. Some pictures of the house.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Dead Week and Finals Week
So right now I am taking a break from studying. I have to say that I am so so sorry for not having a blog up in awhile. Things are hectic here at school and slowly going to start getting hectic at home. Last week was Dead week. Did you know in years long ago dead week was called dead week because they weren’t suppose to have class during it. Let alone give us homework or even any exams during dead week. Someone should start that up again from my point of view. Anyways during dead week, I had two minor projects to finish up for my fitness class and I had four exams. :0. I was fine on Monday nothing due and I was just going to classes without really care they were all pretty much reviews anyways. On Tuesday, is when things got really hectic. I left my room at the normal time seven forty and I didn’t get back to my room until seven that night. I was literally ready for bed by the time. During the day I had classes then I had a final for my last class that day. Then I had to run to the recreation center on campus and take a fitness class for my fitness class. Then ran back to the dorms to relax for a little while then I had a hall meeting that we had to go to. Finally I got to my room and literally flopped on my bed. Then I realized I still had a paper to write for my class on Wednesday. On Wednesday, I had to turn in my two projects and had a final exam for my fitness class. On Thursday, I had a chapter exam in my Biology class which later that day found out that I got a D on. I was so happy after my chapter exam though because I thought I did so well…turns out I didn’t do well at all. I literally had a mental breakdown after I found out and thankfully Stephen called me as soon as he got off work and tried to comfort me the best he knew. On Friday, I had a math exam and took the whole hour and found out near the end that I had four questions left. I never…I mean never take the whole hour to do a test. I had another mental breakdown at the end of the exam and called my friend Sarah crying as I walked to work. Then when I got back to my room I realized that I had nothing packed and Stephen was coming to take a load of my stuff home. I broke down again…I was a mess. Finally, Stephen arrived and helped me finish packing and just held me to him. I finally just calmed down and realized that it’s not as bad as I think.
Saturday, we went to my mom’s and I studied while Stephen worked in my mom’s garden. I studied for two hours while Stephen worked in the garden, got pizza, and then chilled with his laptop next to me. In that moment while I was studying I realized that I loved him more then ever. He knew that I needed to study even though I didn’t need to but still made me study and was okay that I wasn’t talking and he just enjoyed being next to me. After I was done studying we headed out to the Great Mall to meet up with Stephen’s friends Peter and Terrell. We walked around the mall just chatting away. Then we went to Stephen’s and Peter’s place and chilled for a bit and finally we headed off to the movie theatre to see Star Trek. Yes, ladies and gentlemen I saw Star Trek. I grew up with a Trekkie so I obviously know Star Trek. It was really good and it was interesting to say the least. I enjoyed the movie and afterwards I stood listening to two nerds talk about the movie. One of the nerds I am in love with and the other is a good friend of the one I am in love with. It was okay though and I let them have their fun.
On Sunday, we hung out at Stephen’s just relaxing and then went to my mom’s house to give her mother’s day present and guess what she wasn’t there. My mom was at a friends house instead so we just dropped the presents off and went to Stephen’s parents house. We got her a angel food cake with strawberries. Well it seems like we weren’t the only ones who thought of it. Because on the counter was a just out of the oven angel food cake and we found out that another kid was bringing a cake and strawberries. We had some great food there and let me tell you the Mitts family can cook. We hung out and played a couple of games and then I headed out to my friends Katelyn’s house to get a ride back to school. We were half way to school when she remembered she left her dorm key at her house so we doubled back and grabbed them. It was nice to just relax before back to studying. When we got to campus I went to my room and studied till twelve thirty. Then off to bed.
Today so far…I got up at four thirty really didn’t want to but did and started to study for my final that I had this morning. I studied my butt off for this final and I think it turned out to work for me. I actually think I did really well but I don’t want my hopes up for it. But it’s another final down and two more to go. Sarah might be coming down tomorrow night and spending the night. I really can’t wait…I want her to see what I go through down here and how different it is to Purdue. We shall see though.
So right now I am taking a break from studying. I have to say that I am so so sorry for not having a blog up in awhile. Things are hectic here at school and slowly going to start getting hectic at home. Last week was Dead week. Did you know in years long ago dead week was called dead week because they weren’t suppose to have class during it. Let alone give us homework or even any exams during dead week. Someone should start that up again from my point of view. Anyways during dead week, I had two minor projects to finish up for my fitness class and I had four exams. :0. I was fine on Monday nothing due and I was just going to classes without really care they were all pretty much reviews anyways. On Tuesday, is when things got really hectic. I left my room at the normal time seven forty and I didn’t get back to my room until seven that night. I was literally ready for bed by the time. During the day I had classes then I had a final for my last class that day. Then I had to run to the recreation center on campus and take a fitness class for my fitness class. Then ran back to the dorms to relax for a little while then I had a hall meeting that we had to go to. Finally I got to my room and literally flopped on my bed. Then I realized I still had a paper to write for my class on Wednesday. On Wednesday, I had to turn in my two projects and had a final exam for my fitness class. On Thursday, I had a chapter exam in my Biology class which later that day found out that I got a D on. I was so happy after my chapter exam though because I thought I did so well…turns out I didn’t do well at all. I literally had a mental breakdown after I found out and thankfully Stephen called me as soon as he got off work and tried to comfort me the best he knew. On Friday, I had a math exam and took the whole hour and found out near the end that I had four questions left. I never…I mean never take the whole hour to do a test. I had another mental breakdown at the end of the exam and called my friend Sarah crying as I walked to work. Then when I got back to my room I realized that I had nothing packed and Stephen was coming to take a load of my stuff home. I broke down again…I was a mess. Finally, Stephen arrived and helped me finish packing and just held me to him. I finally just calmed down and realized that it’s not as bad as I think.
Saturday, we went to my mom’s and I studied while Stephen worked in my mom’s garden. I studied for two hours while Stephen worked in the garden, got pizza, and then chilled with his laptop next to me. In that moment while I was studying I realized that I loved him more then ever. He knew that I needed to study even though I didn’t need to but still made me study and was okay that I wasn’t talking and he just enjoyed being next to me. After I was done studying we headed out to the Great Mall to meet up with Stephen’s friends Peter and Terrell. We walked around the mall just chatting away. Then we went to Stephen’s and Peter’s place and chilled for a bit and finally we headed off to the movie theatre to see Star Trek. Yes, ladies and gentlemen I saw Star Trek. I grew up with a Trekkie so I obviously know Star Trek. It was really good and it was interesting to say the least. I enjoyed the movie and afterwards I stood listening to two nerds talk about the movie. One of the nerds I am in love with and the other is a good friend of the one I am in love with. It was okay though and I let them have their fun.
On Sunday, we hung out at Stephen’s just relaxing and then went to my mom’s house to give her mother’s day present and guess what she wasn’t there. My mom was at a friends house instead so we just dropped the presents off and went to Stephen’s parents house. We got her a angel food cake with strawberries. Well it seems like we weren’t the only ones who thought of it. Because on the counter was a just out of the oven angel food cake and we found out that another kid was bringing a cake and strawberries. We had some great food there and let me tell you the Mitts family can cook. We hung out and played a couple of games and then I headed out to my friends Katelyn’s house to get a ride back to school. We were half way to school when she remembered she left her dorm key at her house so we doubled back and grabbed them. It was nice to just relax before back to studying. When we got to campus I went to my room and studied till twelve thirty. Then off to bed.
Today so far…I got up at four thirty really didn’t want to but did and started to study for my final that I had this morning. I studied my butt off for this final and I think it turned out to work for me. I actually think I did really well but I don’t want my hopes up for it. But it’s another final down and two more to go. Sarah might be coming down tomorrow night and spending the night. I really can’t wait…I want her to see what I go through down here and how different it is to Purdue. We shall see though.
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